The Pentecost Social Services (PENTSOS) has trained 54 youth in Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District in Beekeeping and Honey production. The two days training was held on 31st October, 2020 at Sawla through partnership arrangement with Nkunim Foods, a private sector business which will act as the off-takers for the honey when harvested. The Sawla Area of The Church of Pentecost identified, selected the beneficiaries and organized the venue for the training.
The Beekeeping enterprise is a project under PENTSOS Livelihood programme title “Enhancing Livelihoods of Youth in the Church for Sustainable Economic Development (ENLIK4S)” which aimed at building productive capacity and creating employment opportunities for unemployed youth in the church. PENTSOS through these community level livelihood projects which are income-generating will serve as an immediate and short-term measure in creating jobs for the members of the Church in deprived communities in the Oti and Northern Regions of Ghana and reduce the impact of COVID 19 and also curb rural-urban migration.
Nkunim Foods based in Accra and expert in Bee keeping and honey production provided the funding and also led the training which included a practical demonstration on how bees can be properly kept to produce uncontaminated honey for supply. The company also supplied 62 hives to all 54 participants and will purchase the extracted honey from the participants at a 50% share on each harvest, thereby creating a ready market. The participants expressed their joy for the business opportunity and the project will establish a collaborative network of beekeepers to ensure that best practices and lessons are shared.
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