• PENTSOS shall be the social services and development arm of The Church of Pentecost and will deliver relief and development assistance to members and groups of individuals in vulnerable and marginalized communities and societies regardless of their ethnicity, political affiliation or religious association. The goal is to contribute to the overall well-being of members of The Church of Pentecost and the citizenry of the nation at large.

  • PENTSOS shall also extend development initiatives to the mission fields of The Church of Pentecost in and outside of Ghana to complement the gospel work.

  • Vision 2023 seeks to strengthen PENTSOS and make it much more effective as the main vehicle for the implementation of the Church’s social ministry.
  • PENTSOS is expected to deepen COP’s activities to enhance its contribution to accelerated socio-economic development as part of the effort to launch out our transformation agenda.


  • To see that the Church membership and communities have improved well-being, peace and adopt sound environmental management practices on a sustainable basis.
  • To see that communities, have the appropriate, and adequate knowledge, skills, and facilities that will enable them to engage in viable, alternative income-generating activities in an environmentally sustainable manner.
  • To see that community-based organizations have the capacity to effectively and efficiently mobilize and manage human, material and financial resources to implement relevant and sustainable programmes.
  • To see that communities, have adequate information and knowledge through sustainable evangelism and social intermediation.
  • To see that the Church of Pentecost contributes to national development drive and governance at the local and national levels.


‘’For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me’’

(Mathew 25:35,36)