
Health Infrastructure Improvement Project

This project mainly focuses on construction of CHPS compounds and other facilities for the Pentecost Health Institutions

Health Capacity Enhancement Programme

This also focuses on the provision of medical equipment and supplies to Pentecost Health Facilities

Medical Outreach Programme

Through partnership with Medical Personnel in and outside of the country, vulnerable populations are provided with free medical care and screening as well as minor surgeries

Medical Evangelism Programme

The Pentecost Health Facilities as part of their mandate propagagte the gospel to all manner of persons that accessses health care through daily devotions held at the facility level, medical evangelism in rural areas and at personal level


School Infrastructure Project

This involves the construction of classroom blocks in deprived and rural communities especially for schools under trees and sheds

School Furniture Improvement Project

This mainly focus on providing deprived schools with decent classroom furniture to improve the quality of education). Most schools in deprived communities in Ghana do not have classroom desk. The children sit on the bear floor to write.

School Digitization Project

This involves the provision of ICT equipment to schools that do not have them. ICT is an examinable subject in Ghana especially at the Basic level. However, in most schools in the deprived areas, the children have never set their eyes on a computer but are obliged to learn

School Integrity Project

The overarching purpose of this intervention is to build culture of probility and accountability as a way of life in young people in school towards eradicating corruption in Ghana

School Sanitation Improvement Project

This is geared towards improving the sanitation in schools through the provision of toilet facilities and washrooms in schools. The project also supports proper management of waste

Livelihood Projects

Gari Processing Project

This is intended to create sustainable economic livelihoods and jobs for the youth in the Church

Bakery Project

This is a social enterprise project implemented by PENTSOS with the overarching purpose to create jobs for the youth

Beekeeping Project

The overall purpose of this project is to provide the youth in deprived communities with sustainable income and jobs

PENTSOS Irrigation Farm Project

This project is expected to contribute to reducing the migration of young people from the Northern Regions to southern cities to engage in Kaya venture

Skills Vocation Training And Development Programme

is expected to [directly and indirectly] harness the potential of unskilled and unemployed youth through skills development and apprenticeship training–thereby creating/expanding employment opportunities and economic development to all

Other Social Interventions

Community Safe Water Improvement Project

Provision of boreholes and limited mechanized water systems in deprived communities. The overarching purpose is to improve the well-being of the populations in deprived communities

Police Post andPolice Station Project

Construction of Police Station and Police Post to enahnce the security situation in Ghana

Schools and Community Library Project

The project seeks to equip schools and deprived communities with well-resourced and functional libraries

Prisons Project

Mainly entails the construction of correctional facilities for major prisions in Ghana to enhance the integration of inmates into society after they have served their jail term

Pentecost Financial Cooperative Project (PENCO)

The overarching goal of PENCO is to empower members of the church financially thgrough savings mobilisation and micro-loans