In 1978, the Finance Board of The Church of Pentecost met with the Founder of the Church, Pastor James McKeown to discuss the need for the Church to render social services. He agreed to the proposal and advised that the social services programme in the Church should be headed by Elders and not Pastors in order to enable the Pastors to concentrate on their core duties. At the General Council Meeting of the Church at the Accra Academy the following year (1979), a decision was taken to use the name Pentecost Relief Association for the social services programme. The General Council Meeting in 1980 at the same Accra Academy, however, changed the name Pentecost Relief Association to Pentecost Welfare Association (PENTWAS). PENTWAS was registered with the Registrar General’s Department on 17 March 1980 a charitable Non-Governmental Organisation. Elder A.H.L Clottey was appointed the first Manager of the organisation (1981 – 1983).
In June 1983, the name Pentecost Welfare Association (PENTWAS) was changed to Pentecost Social Services (PENTSOS). PENTSOS was registered as a Church Non-Governmental Organisation with the Department of Social Welfare on 6th January 1992 (Number D.S.W.452). It is also a member of the Ghana Association of Private Organisations in Development (GAPVOD). In October 1986, Elder Johnson, Adam-Yeboah was appointed as the Schools Manager and in 1989 he combined this with the position as Coordinator of PENTSOS. In 1999, he was appointed as the first Director of PENTSOS when PENTSOS was given a full Directorate status. After his retirement, Elder Dr. Yao Yeboah took over as the PENTSOS Director in September 2003 and subsequently Elder George Afrifa in 2016 – May 2019. Elder Richard Amaning was appointed by the Executive Council in May 2019 as the successor of Elder George Afrifa.

PENTSOS in the past 40 years has provided tangible hope to vulnerable communities and members of the Church through its social intermediation and development efforts. The provision of health care services, access to basic education and economic empowerment of members in need are among some of the novel projects implemented by PENTSOS in the past decade. PENTSOS since its inception has implemented various developments and humanitarian interventions that have impacted the lives of many. PENTSOS has contributed immensely to enhancing access to basic education through the establishment of 90 Pentecost Schools across the country, 1 Vocational Training School, 2 Senior High School, 2 Skills Learning and Development Centres and 8 Health care facilities (3 Hospitals and 5 Clinics). PENTSOS established a cooperative financial institution referred to as the Pentecost Cooperative Mutual Support and Social Services Societies (PENCO) and has 32 active societies operating within 28 Church Areas across the country.
PENTSOS long term development programming, capacity building, and practical work at the grassroots are people-centered. This is because the organization holds a belief that: people suffering under poverty, economic, social and political inequality are best placed to explore the root causes of injustice, identify strategies for solutions, and act upon them to bring about positive changes in their lives.
Mission & Goal
PENTSOS is a non-governmental organisation dedicated to the witnessing the love of God to all manner of persons via a holistic approach to development on a sustainable basis.
Our Vision
A world where the spiritual and physical needs of each person are fully met
Core values
Our core values translated into value statements represent the hallmark of our culture as a not for profit organisation. They will be the enduring tenets that will guide us to achieve our vision and accompanying goals.
We will exhibit the love of God in all our development programmes and activities with and for the target beneficiary
We will uphold the dignity of all people irrespective of race, colour, religion, political affiliation and of social standing
We will target the most disadvantaged people through their own efforts and initiatives
We will demand the highest standards of ourselves to earn the trust of others.

We will promote equity and inclusion in all spheres of our development initiatives
We will be committed to knowledge generation that positively impacts the lives of those within and outside our operational areas.
We consistently affirm honesty and hold ourselves accountable for what we say and do. We believe we owe it to the Lord Jesus Christ, the stakeholders we serve to keep our promises.
Strategic Objective of PENTSOS
PENTSOS work is centred on five key strategic objectives:
- To see that the Church membership and communities have improved well-being, peace and adopt sound environmental management practices on a sustainable basis.
- To see that communities, have the appropriate, and adequate knowledge, skills, and facilities that will enable them to engage in viable, alternative income-generating activities in an environmentally sustainable manner.
- To see that community-based organizations have the capacity to effectively and efficiently mobilise and manage human, material and financial resources to implement relevant and sustainable programmes.
- To see that communities, have adequate information and knowledge through sustainable evangelism to enhance their spiritual development.
- To see that the Church of Pentecost contributes to national development drive and local governance.


Our Strategic Priorities for the Period 2019 – 2023
The overarching goal of PENTSOS’s 5-year strategic plan is enhanced visibility and deepened voice of PENTSOS in driving national and global transformational development by 2023.
The Five (5) key themes within which all interventions and activities will revolve in a crosscutting, synergizing fashion have been adopted. These themes and their corresponding strategic objectives are:
1. Peaceful Communities
Foster Peaceful, Just, and Inclusive Societies that are free from fear and violence (SO1);
2. Sustainable Economic Livelihoods
Build Sustainable livelihoods, climate change resilience and natural resources management (SO2)
3. Healthy Lives
Contribute to good health and wellbeing and access to universal quality health services (SO3);
4. Quality Education
Contribute to improved access to quality education in deprived communities (SO4);
5. Organizational Development and Excellence
Strengthen PENTSOS capacity for resource mobilisation, research, self-management, learning, and advocacy (SO5).
6. Enhanced Stakeholders Confidence
Build Stakeholder confidence in the capabilities of PENTSOS (SO6).

The re-branded PENTSOS shall be a registered faith-based not-for-profit entity limited by guarantee. PENTSOS shall work as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) of the Church of Pentecost and its Head Office shall be in Ghana. PENTSOS shall be a semi-autonomous entity and its operations/structure shall be an integral part of the administrative structure of the Headquarters of The Church of Pentecost.
PENTSOS in the past 39 years has provided tangible hope to vulnerable communities and members of the Church through its social intermediation and development efforts. PENTSOS has the following Institutions under its watch:
- 90 Basic Schools across the country
- 2 Senior High Schools in Kumasi and Koforidua
- 2 Skills Development and Learning Centres
- 1 Vocational Training Institute
- 8 Healthcare Facilities (7 Clinics and 1 Hospital)
- Provided financial support to some needy but brilliant students at the National, Area and District levels
- 32 active Credit Unions referred to as Pentecost Cooperative Mutual Support and Social Services Societies (PENCO) providing financial assistance to members of the Church.