Programme Domains of PENTSOS
PENTSOS work revolves around seven (7) key
domains in line with its vision and mission.

- Forge partnership with Government to establish public schools at strategic places to enable the poor to have improved access to education.
- Forge partnership with Government to improve facilities in the church’s Senior High Schools.

- Upgrade and expand facilities at the Pentecost Hospital in Madina to offer improved health care.
- Forge partnership with Government to put up Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) compounds to improve access to health care in selected deprived communities.
- Upgrade and expand facilities in existing Health Care Facilities across the country

Human Development
- Facilitate the formation of a guild to enhance networking and human resource mobilization among the professional bodies in the church as well as beneficiaries of the church's educational support scheme.
- Explore the possibility of running a community literacy programme for community members in areas where the felt need is identified.

Small and Micro Enterprises
- Provide economic livelihood training (such as soap making, mushroom cultivation, and snail rearing) to members of the Church of Pentecost and other community members.
- Establish Pentecost Cooperative Mutual Support and Social Services Society (PENCO) across the country to improve members' access to financial services.
Civic Education and Social Responsibility
- Organize civic education programmes (in collaboration with the NCCE) to educate church members on relevant national issues.
- Provide support to the Church of Pentecost to contribute to national-level dialogues and discussions on highly relevant issues that promote national development and border on the welfare of the Ghanaian populace.
Community Development
- Forge partnerships with Government, Christian aid organizations and communities to implement specific initiatives for the development of the society.

Water and Sanitation
- Forge partnerships with government at all levels, the private sector and communities to provide potable drinking water in selected deprived communities.
- Forge partnerships with government at all levels, the private sector and communities to implement an Environmental Care Programme.

- Forge partnerships with government at all levels, the private sector and communities to provide Police Stations/Police Posts in communities where they are needed.
- Forge partnerships with government at all levels, the private sector, and communities to provide accommodation facilities (cells) for selected prisons in the country

Encourage Areas and well-endowed districts of the Church to construct shelters at bus stops for communal use with evangelism at the core.