Bolga, Bawku & Walewale Areas Welcome Chairman

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, and his wife, Mrs. Mary Nyameye, received a rousing reception at the church auditorium of PIWC˗Bolga when they met ministers, wives and officers in the Bolga, Walewale and Bawku areas on Tuesday, November 26, 2019.

The meeting, which marked Apostle Eric Nyamekye maiden visit to the areas since assuming office as Chairman, was part of the Chairman’s weeklong working visit to the northern part of Ghana.

Among others, the purpose of the meeting was to expound on the 5˗year strategic vision of the church dubbed “Vision 2023: Possessing the Nations” and also throw more light on some key aspects of the church’s theme for next year, “A Glorious Church To Possess The Nations” (Ephesians 3:21, 5:27).

Addressing the gathering of 1,400 church leaders, the Chairman asserted that Vision 2023 was achievable. This, according to him, is because “Possessing the Nations” is God’s agenda and is the crux of the gospel message of Jesus Christ; that is, Jesus Christ is Lord over the nations.

He said that the huge membership base of the church in Ghana alone indicates that the church has been endowed with enough human resources to possess every sphere of society for Christ.

“Examining the covenant God has with his church, I am also convinced without any doubt that He will guide His church through thick and thin to rearising every element of this vision,” he added.

Apostle Nyamekye, therefore, urged leaders at the various eves of the church, to own and commit themselves to Vision 2023 in order to ensure its successful implementation.

On his part, the Home and Urban Missions (HUM) Coordinator of The Church of Pentecost, Pastor Emmanuel Agyei Kwafo, challenged church leaders to go all out to reach out to the vulnerable, marginalized, homeless and destitute such as the Fulanis, street children, prostitutes, drug addicts, among others, in society with the gospel message of Jesus Christ. He admitted that in times past evangelistic efforts of the church did not include these people groups, hence HUM has been introduced to correct this anomaly.

The Director of Pentecost Social Services (PENTSOS), Elder Richard Amaning, in turn, threw more light on the expanded role of PENTSOS Directorate in the Vision 2023, as well as some projects his outfit is undertaking such as construction of boreholes, Community˗based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) Compound, prisons and police stations etc. He also gave some guidelines for establishing a School project.

Overseer Alexander Nyame, the Coordinator of the Ministry to Persons With Disabilities (MPWD), also educated the audience on the various types of disabilities and addressed some misconceptions people have about disabled persons.

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