12th August, 2018
The service was the farewell service for Apostle Daniel Nii Teiko and Mrs Esther Tackie and family. They have been transferred to from the PIWC – Atomic to the Pentecost Theological Seminary.
Elder Micheal Yeboah Botwe and the prayer force led the church in the opening prayer. A group of singers made up of members from the Royal Vessels incorporated and the Vessels of Honour led the church in a time of praises to our God. The scripture reading for the service was from Acts 20:17-32 and was read in English, Twi and French. Elder Isaac Dwamena and the resident choirs led the church in a time of worship. The church brought their tithes and offerings after which the Royal Vessels and Vessels of honour ministered two songs to prepare the people of God to receive the Word of God.
The speaker for the service was the director of the evangelism ministry of the Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr. Amos Jimmy Markin. He started the sermon with the reading of two portions of scripture; Romans 8:28-31 and Romans 9:11-17 and spoke on the topic “Processes of divine equipment”. God has not finished with us yet. Our destinies rest in the hands of the almighty God. God in dealing with His people takes them through a process of divine equipment. This prepares His people to function effectively to fulfil the assignment that was foreordained for them before they were called. He share his story of how God took him to Asamankese. He encountered God there. Everything about his life began to change. God prepared him before he was transferred to Asamankese. He shared testimonies of what God did in his life at that station.
The processes might begin before the election. Before God sends you to accomplish any task he equips you. The starting point of God’s equipment is the election of His redeemed people. He redeems people by His own special mercy and love. Out of the elect He calls by grace. It is by God’s own mercy. The starting point for everyone is the mercy of God. It’s the mercies of God that brings us in. He singles us out by grace and He lifts up our head with favour so that all the glory would belong to Jehovah. Through Jesus, God elected a special people called the church. He calls us to Himself. We become His property. We belong to Him.
From the day grace singled us out, what we would ever be would be within our calling. Jeremiah 1:4-5. God set Jeremiah apart as a prophet. Galatians 1:11-16 Saul confirmed that God knew him when he was a seed in His mother’s womb. God however has a process of equipping us. Everything we go through is part of the equipment of God. Jesus was equipped for 30 years, Saul was equipped after his conversion for 3 years, Galatians 1:17-18. Moses was equipped for 80 years, 40 in the house of Pharaoh, 40 in the desert. Joseph was equipped for 13 years. It is after the equipment of God that the sending comes. Acts 13:1-4. God showed Joseph his future through dreams but didn’t show him how to get there. Those you might appear to be in prison, God is still with you.
We need to have the right attitude. 1. We need to watch against becoming weary before your due season. Galatians 6:9. 2. We need to also avoid bitterness. Bitterness can kill you before your time and it’s the root of many sicknesses. Hebrews 12:14-15. 3. We need to avoid murmuring and complaining. Acts 16:1, 1 Corinthians 10:10-11. 4. We need to avoid unforgiveness. We are what we are because of the grace of God. God has not left you. Your future is in His hands. Your destiny is intact.
Rev. Prof. Kingsley Larbi said a prayer for the church according to the word that we had received. The various ministries in the church sang farewell songs to begin the second part of the service. The ministry leaders greeted the outgoing minister and his wife to wish them well. The women’s ministry leader read a testimony about Mrs Esther Tackie and presented a citation to her.
Apostle Dr. Micheal Kwabena Ntumy addressed the congregation. He spoke about his own experiences at transfers to encourage the outgoing minister and family.
The presbyters of the centre also sang a farewell song and the presiding elder read the testimony about Apostle Daniel Nii Teiko Tackie. He also received a citation and a portrait of himself. There was also a testimony about him from the pastors in the Madina Area.
The youth choir led the church in song to bring their second offering after which Apostle and Mrs. Tackie responded to all that taken place. They were full of gratitude to everyone. Prayers were said for Apostle Tackie and his family.
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