PENTSOS Director’s New Year Message

We begin the Year 2022 with great confidence in the Almighty God for the opportunity to serve humanity. 

PENTSOS identifies itself with the 2022 Annual theme of the Church, Equipping the Church as an army to possess the nations.” We believe in equipping our beneficiaries to own the change we desire in providing long-lasting impact and transformation.

This year’s focus is dedicated to human capacity development through various interventions such as Sustainable livelihoods projects, enhancing the capacities of teachers and students in ensuring quality education, improving the capabilities of health workers and infrastructure for efficient delivery of quality healthcare.

PENTSOS will commit to equipping our target beneficiaries with the right skills, resources, character building, and attitude to bring about the desire to change to impact society. 

In the Year 2022, we will undertake the following transformative and sustainable interventions to bring tangible hope to people living in deprived areas and members of the Church:

  1. Employable Youth Projects: Irrigation Farming, Agri-business, vocational trades, livestock production, and Agro-Processing.
  2. Health Infrastructure Improvement Projects
  3. School Infrastructure Improvement Projects
  4. School Digitisation Programme
  5. Provision of sustainable water supply in deprived communities

We look forward to forging strategic partnerships in deepening our impact in Ghana and beyond. With a focus on strengthening the institutional framework to improve the existing organizational and operational structure of PENTSOS for the delivery and management of social services.

We wish our Staff, Stakeholders, and Partners a Happy and Prosperous New Year.




PENTSOS is 41 years. We blessed the Lord for his faithfulness.

We bring you greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has been gracious unto PENTSOS in repositioning us to be relevant and visible.

The theme for this year’s PENTSOS Awareness Week-End celebration shall be “Re-branding the social ministry to drive the Possessing the nation’s agenda of the Church”.

The theme has been carefully chosen not only to affirm the commitment made by the Church as enshrined in the Vision 2023 Possessing the Nations Agenda but also to create the necessary atmosphere that will propel the attainment of this aspiration.

Commitment 10 in the Vision 2023 Possessing the Nations Agenda of the Church of Pentecost

“We shall be committed to embarking on strategic partnerships with government in developing the nation. We will, as a result, refocus and restructure and reposition PENTSOS to work effectively as a development-oriented organization as well as a corporate organization cast in the mode of other faith-based development organizations”.

We implore our cherished Area Heads, Pastors, and Members to join us in celebrating the goodness of the Lord upon PENTSOS in the past 41 years. PENTSOS indeed has been blessed through your collective efforts.

We take this opportunity to thank the Executive Council of the Church; the Chairman, Aps. Eric Nyamekye and the General Secretary for their support and guidance.

We appreciate the efforts of the National PENTSOS Board and past Directors of PENTSOS especially Eld. Dr. Yao Yeboah and Eld. George Afrifa for their contributions and hard work. PENTSOS has come this far through your efforts.

We also appreciate our Area PENTSOS Coordinators for their support.

PENTSOS Constructs Boreholes for Gbonkoyiri, Vondiel Communities in the Savannah Region

PENTSOS has constructed two (2) boreholes fitted with handpump for Gbonkoyiri and Vondiel communities in the Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District of the Savannah Region.

The Sawla Area Head of the church, Apostle William Ohemeng-Kwakye, commissioned the two water facilities separately on April 2, 2020. He was assisted by the Gindabour District Minister of the church, Overseer William Asare, in whose district the projects are located. In an address, the Area Head said that the construction of the boreholes formed part of the church’s Vision 2023 agenda on ‘Community Transformation.’ In attendance at the commissioning ceremony was the District Chief Executive and the District Police Commander of the Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District.

Touching on the current global health crisis, Apostle Ohemeng-Kwakye advised the people to adhere to the directives given by the President of the Republic to help in the fight against the Coronavirus outbreak. This, he said, includes observing social distancing, regular handwashing with soap under running water, using hand sanitizer, and avoiding handshaking.

“For I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink” Matt. 25:35b

In appreciation, the Roman Catholic Catechist of the area thanked The Church of Pentecost for the kind gesture and requested other churches in the district to do same for the communities in the district which are in dire need of water and other social interventions. The Chief and opinion leaders in the two communities thanked PENTSOS and the Church of Pentecost for the kind gesture.

Trainees receive Bee keeping hives

PENTSOS trained 54 youth in beekeeping and Honey Production

The Pentecost Social Services (PENTSOS) has trained 54 youth in Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District in Beekeeping and Honey production. The two days training was held on 31st October, 2020 at Sawla through partnership arrangement with Nkunim Foods, a private sector business which will act as the off-takers for the honey when harvested. The Sawla Area of The Church of Pentecost identified, selected the beneficiaries and organized the venue for the training.

The Beekeeping enterprise is a project under PENTSOS Livelihood programme title “Enhancing Livelihoods of Youth in the Church for Sustainable Economic Development (ENLIK4S)” which aimed at building productive capacity and creating employment opportunities for unemployed youth in the church. PENTSOS through these community level livelihood projects which are income-generating will serve as an immediate and short-term measure in creating jobs for the members of the Church in deprived communities in the Oti and Northern Regions of Ghana and reduce the impact of COVID 19 and also curb rural-urban migration.

Nkunim Foods based in Accra and expert in Bee keeping and honey production provided the funding and also led the training which included a practical demonstration on how bees can be properly kept to produce uncontaminated honey for supply. The company also supplied 62 hives to all 54 participants and will purchase the extracted honey from the participants at a 50% share on each harvest, thereby creating a ready market. The participants expressed their joy for the business opportunity and the project will establish a collaborative network of beekeepers to ensure that best practices and lessons are shared.