Last Week at Church – 19th August, 2018
Think and Do
“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, do; and the God of peace will be with you” (Philippians 4:8-9).
We are encouraged to think about praise worthy things some of which are described in Philippians 4:8-9 and practise them. Are you a thinker or a doer? Thinkers think. Doers act. Thinkers have big dreams and ideas and never act on them. Doers, on the other hand, take action. They act without thinking. They start endeavours without plans or strategies. But we are encouraged to think then act. There are, however, some things that all our action cannot deal with. Some things can only be handled by God.
Thinking shapes our actions and acting shapes our thinking. In all of this, we need to depend on God. Let us give God our thoughts, our plans and our actions and let Him line up our thinking with our actions, bringing our thinking and our doing into alignment with him. Let God bring our life into alignment with His will.
In thinking and doing, our history, our past may limit us. Our situation and circumstances may also pose challenges. But circumstances do not define us. God defines all circumstances. He can change our situation and circumstances for our good and for His glory. God is not limited by history. He writes history. So think and do. Do not be discouraged and do not give up when the odds are against you. The greater the opposition against you the greater the victory. If God is for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)?
Limited resources should not hinder our thinking and our doing. Our resources may be limited but God’s resources are unlimited.
Do not cut short or downsize your plans because of people’s opinions. Rather, double your plans because with God you can (Philippians 4:13).
Think about the good things of God, love, joy, peace, patience, etc. These shape our character, affections and desires. The things we have learned, received, heard or seen from God, we must keep doing (Philippians 4:9). Imitate Christ, having the same attitude as His, being humble like Him (Philippians 2:5-11). Everything you touch will be excellent (Philippians 1:10).
God has deposited something in our lives that no one but us can withdraw. Let us take what God has put in us and live like he wants us to. To live is Christ (Philippians 1:20). We have received grace and peace (Philippians 4:23,7). God has begun a good work in us (Philippians 1:6, 2:13). It is not up to us to figure things out. God is working in us. God will bring to completion whatever He has started. He will not give up on us. If He has started, He will complete it.
God has given us a life marked by peace, joy and love. Rejoice, for we have everything we need (Philippians 4:4,19, 3:1,3). Forget the past and press on toward the mark (Philippians 3:14). Thank God for what we have seen, heard, learned and received.
The word ministration was given by Rev Dr David Daniels during the climax of the area week celebrations held under the theme, ‘Tear Down your Father’s Altar to Baal’ (Judges 6:25b).
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